Naimisha Forest
Please don’t send my daddy to jail?
It must be heartbreaking for a child to see a parent go to jail for some crime. But is it necessarily all bad for how the kid’s life turns out in the long run?
Not according to a paper in the latest American Economic Review by Samuel Norris, Matthew Pecenco, and Jeffrey Weaver, “The Effects of Parental and Sibling . . .
Posted in: crimefamilyracestatistics
Update on "Law and Order Minorities"
Every so often, Rasmussen breaks out details from its daily tracking poll to show Trump’s “Job Approval” among different ethnic groups. The company’s September 21 poll shows Trump’s national approval at 51%, with 53% among Whites, 39% among Blacks, and 51% for “Other Minorities” (a catch-all group led . . .
Will "Law-and-Order Minorities" Put Trump Over the Top in 2020?
2020 is when racial identity politics, after creeping up on Democrats for years, finally pounced and ate the party’s entire brain.
- Example: the startling refusal of Democrats at any level to condemn the nationwide “Black
Lives Matter” rioting as an unacceptable form of protest.
- Example: picking a Vice President . . .
"My folks sell me and yo' folks buy me." (Shorter version)
Some History of African Slavery
Here is an earlier post on the history of African slavery, but leaving out a long preface about the rapper Kanye West that seemed compelling at the time, but quite forgettable now. The subject is the role of African elites in the management of the global slave trade. Most African slaves were sold into slavery by other Africans, by African . . .
“My folks sell me and yo folks buy me”
Kanye West, “Barracoon” and some history of African slavery
Do you recollect the uproar caused by the musician Kanye West a couple of months ago when he said the ancestors of today’s African-Americans “chose” to remain in slavery? Arguments bounced around the word “choice.” What choices did slaves have? What choices do African-Americans have today? One point . . .
'Is Donald Trump a threat to American democracy?'
Over at Bloggingheadstv, Glenn Loury spars with his old friend Harold Pollack on what threat if any Donald Trump poses for American democracy.
Loury is a professor of economics at Brown University. He was famed as a ‘black conservative’ in younger days but seems to have converged to independent centrist or center-right . . .
Emancipation Day 1905 - and 'The Strange Career of Jim Crow'
From the Washington Post of April 4, 1905:
“Richmond, Va., April 3 -- Thousands of Negroes observed Emancipation Day in Virginia today. The occasion resulted in an outpouring of the race never before equaled, armed with miniature United States flags and attended by brass bands.
"In addition, there was a unique feature to-night, . . .
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